About Us

If you are new to our Church there is no need to worry, we follow an easy to follow service, which the Priest will guide you through.  We have a children's area, which is well equipped with toys and activities for different ages.  If the children wish to move around that is not a problem.

We do have a toilet and a loop system for those that require it.

Our Sunday service starts at 10.30am, and the current pattern  is:

1st and 3rd Sunday of the month - Holy Communion

2nd and 4th Sunday of the month - Lay led Morning Praise

If there is a 5th Sunday in the month, a Team Service is held at different churches in the benefice.

During a Holy Communion service all are invited to the altar rail. If you normally take communion at another church you are welcome to take communion at St Catherine's. Should you just like to have a blessing, come to the rail but hold your hands down.

We look forward to welcoming you to St Catherine's.