Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Assistance Dos are Welcome

All our Events have a gluten free option

Our Building

Stained Glass
Eco Church
Warm Space

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music
Book of Common Prayer Services

Under the guidance of our choirmaster, the Robed Choir leads the sung worship at the 9.30am Traditional service in the main parish church and the 6.30pm Evening service at the Old Church.
They sing a blend of hymns, psalms and anthems that glorify the words of worship and articulate the congregation’s own voice at certain points in the liturgy, especially the lifting up of our hearts to the Lord. We meet to practice on Friday evenings at 6pm, and new members are always welcome.

Our Music Group is responsible for the sung worship at the 11am All-Age service on Sunday mornings. The group comprises a variety of instruments including guitars, keyboards, drums, and vocals.
We believe that Music's role is to lead the congregation deeper into the presence of God through the singing of modern worshipful songs.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Got questions about life and Christian faith? If you are looking for answers, then maybe it's time to ask? Our sessions involve video clips, small group discussions and a time for reflection and lasts about 90 minutes and is free to attend.

· What's life all about and where we going?
· Does God exist and what is he like?
· Why is the world in such a mess?
· Who was Jesus, and is he relevant?
· What does Jesus’ death on the cross mean for me today?
· How far can I go forward with God in my life?

The course will help you discover more about God, Jesus and the journey of life. Our courses generally run in September. However please see our website for up to date information.

At St Mary’s Church, groups of people meet together in various homes around the parish during the week to have fellowship together. There are currently seventeen Homegroups meeting either during the daytime or in the evenings on various days. Homegroups aim to provide a supportive and caring environment where people can: worship together, study the Bible, pray together, and serve the community.

Homegroups are:
Safe places where people feel affirmed and valued.
An encouragement to study the Bible and apply it to our daily lives.
Supportive of each person in developing their gifts and abilities.
An informal place to worship together.
A place to welcome new people into the life of our Church.
We believe that this is a great way of being the Church for today.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a charity determined to lift people out of poverty, with the help of local churches. 'Tenpenny Villages,' with other churches in our area, opened a new debt centre in Clacton in April 2018. CAP’s service is unusual because clients are visited in their own home.

The service respects the whole person, knowing that often poor finances are due to a range of other problems, such as relationship breakdown, job loss or ill health. People in debt can feel isolated, feel they’ve failed as parents/partner etc, feel ashamed or 'stuck'. They might be hounded by creditors. There is a significant link with poor mental health; more than a third feel suicidal. CAP’s service is completely free to the client; there are no minimum repayment requirements and it does not matter how much debt someone has, or how low their income. It is available for everyone regardless of age, gender, faith or background.

Christians Against Poverty'Befrienders' play a key role in supporting clients practically and emotionally, through friendship and personal support. St Mary's has several people in that role, and currently we donate financially too. If you are interested in helping as a befriender, or would like to know more about the service, please contact our local CAP Debt Coach, Roni Dickeson [email protected] who will be very happy to provide any further information. .

CAP’s freephone number is 0800 328 0006 and the website is capuk.org.

We are open each week with a warm welcome and a nice cuppa for everyone, Fridays, from 10am until 12 noon. Venue: St Mary's Church Lounge

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a charity determined to lift people out of poverty, with the help of local churches. 'Tenpenny Villages,' with other churches in our area, opened a new debt centre in Clacton in April 2018. CAP’s service is unusual because clients are visited in their own home.

The service respects the whole person, knowing that often poor finances are due to a range of other problems, such as relationship breakdown, job loss or ill health. People in debt can feel isolated, feel they’ve failed as parents/partner etc, feel ashamed or 'stuck'. They might be hounded by creditors. There is a significant link with poor mental health; more than a third feel suicidal. CAP’s service is completely free to the client; there are no minimum repayment requirements and it does not matter how much debt someone has, or how low their income. It is available for everyone regardless of age, gender, faith or background.

Christians Against Poverty'Befrienders' play a key role in supporting clients practically and emotionally, through friendship and personal support. St Mary's has several people in that role, and currently we donate financially too. If you are interested in helping as a befriender, or would like to know more about the service, please contact our local CAP Debt Coach, Roni Dickeson [email protected] who will be very happy to provide any further information. .

CAP’s freephone number is 0800 328 0006 and the website is capuk.org.

At Smallsorts we have a time of play which includes; slides/small climbing frame, tents and tunnels, Duplo, building blocks, train track, cars, Happyland and a baby section with baby toys and a craft. We then have tidy up time, followed my snack time with a story and finishing our time together with nursery rhymes! There is tea/coffee for the grown ups. We have a beautiful outdoor space with a cabin full of outdoor toys too. We will use this space when the weather is sunny and dry. Link to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryssmallsorts/

Venue: Church Hall

Help for Visitors

We have free WIFI thought-out the building

Other Features

Walton and District Community FoodBank - Helping to combat Food Poverty in the community with the aid of food parcels, fuel vouchers, food vouchers and benefits advice. Open to all who live in the Tendring Area
Address: Walton Community Centre, Standley Road, Walton-on-the-Naze, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 800 688 9577
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaltonFoodBank

Our large hall, kitchen, etc. are available for hire. For details of what we have to offer, to check availability, or to make a booking, please click on the links below - or come and see us at:
St Mary's Parish Church,
Old Road, Frinton on Sea,
Essex CO13 9BX.