Community Cafe

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St George's, Westcombe Park
43 Glenluce Road Blackheath London, SE3 7SD, United Kingdom

Every Tuesday, from 10am to 12 noon, we have our community cafe, where there is free hot and cold drinks and toast. This is a free space where all are welcome. Toys are always out for any children that you might bring along and in the school holidays we also get out the table tennis table and some craft for older children. In the cold weather the heating is always on!

Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St George's, Westcombe Park
43 Glenluce Road Blackheath London, SE3 7SD, United Kingdom

Join us for our Morning Prayer Service, a peaceful opportunity to start the day with reflection and community. Come as you are and share in the warmth of fellowship as we lift our hearts in prayer.

Huddle Youth Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, East Greenwich
Christ Church, East Greenwich Trafalgar Road London, SE10 9EQ, United Kingdom

We meet every Friday term time from 6pm-7:30pm for fun, food, friendship and what’s more, it’s FREE!

Open to all who are secondary school aged, join us to round off and wind down from your week in the company of friendly and trusting faces.

For more information, contact parish youth worker Ebun on 07788 203772 or [email protected]

Sunday Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St George's, Westcombe Park
43 Glenluce Road Blackheath London, SE3 7SD, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion held each Sunday.

The first Sunday of the month is usually an All Age Service. On other Sundays Children's Church is available for primary aged children, following a Godly Play programme to enable the Children to wonder about God.

Social distancing and hygiene measures are in place to keep everyone safe.

Soup Lunch

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St George's, Westcombe Park
43 Glenluce Road Blackheath London, SE3 7SD, United Kingdom

Come and join us at St George's Church on Wednesday 12:15 to 1:30pm, for a light lunch of soup and bread, where we have a chance to meet and eat together.

Make Space

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour
St George's, Westcombe Park
43 Glenluce Road Blackheath London, SE3 7SD, United Kingdom

A monthly gathering for an hour to make space for God, to reflect on a passage of scripture and to explore different ways to pray.