East Donyland Benefice Services for DECEMBER 2024
East Donyland Benefice Services DECEMBER 2024Sunday 1st
9.15am Holy Communion Abberton
10.00 Service Lay Led Fingringhoe
11.00 Holy Communion Rowhedge
Sunday 8th
6pm Taize Abberton
9.15 Holy Communion Fingringhoe
11.00 Holy Communion Rowhedge
4pm Carol Service Rowhedge
Sunday 15th
9.15 Holy Communion Fingringhoe
11.00 Holy Communion Abberton
10.00 Service Lay Led Rowhedge
Friday 20th
7.30pm Carols by Candle light FRIDAY Fingringhoe
Sunday 22nd
4pm Carol Service Abberton
9.15 Holy Communion Fingringhoe
4pm Tree of Light Fingringhoe
11.00 Service Lay Led Rowhedge
4pm Christingle Rowhedge
Tuesdays 10.00 Morning Prayer Fingringhoe
Wednesdays at 10.00am Rowhedge
4th Holy Communion Revd Terry
11th Holy Communion Revd Paul Bowtell
18th Service Lay Led
25th Christmas Carols Abberton
DECEMBER 23rd to JANUARY 5th 2025
Tuesday Christmas Eve 24th
4pm Christingle Fingringhoe
8pm Holy Communion Abberton
10pm Holy Communion Fingringhoe
11.30pm Holy Communion Rowhedge
Christmas Day 25th
10.00am Christmas Carols Abberton
Sunday 29th Benefice Service
10.00am Holy Communion Rowhedge
Tuesday 31st NO SERVICE Fingringhoe
Wednesday 1st January 2025 NO SERVICE Rowhedge
Sunday 5th Baptism of Christ
9.15am Holy Communion Abberton
10.00am Lay led Fingringhoe
11.00am Holy Communion Rowhedge
Contact: Revd Terry on 07375305460 or Email [email protected] for information on Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals