Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Every Sunday the service is streamed into the meeting room as it takes place in the Church. This is to allow families who would feel more comfortable sitting with/running after children to enjoy the service without worrying. It should be made clear that children are more than welcome to stay in the Church. God is easiest to see in children and easier to see through their eyes. But since we have the facilities to have this, we would like to start a monthly "Sunday Activity Group" (it's very hard to not say Sunday School...woops, I did!) on the Second Sunday of the month, with activities for children, with the plan to have them come across for a blessing during Communion and remain in the Church for the last hymn. The meeting room will still be available the rest of the Sundays. This means we will have two "Child Friendly" services a month, with this and Cafe Praise. Who knows, it may be so well utilised we have to do it more often! If you have family or know of families who want to come to Church, but have small children and have been putting it off because they may feel nervous about their impact, please let them know.
Sunday Club
Monthly. Every Second Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for 1 hour
Sunday Club
Monthly. Every Second Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for 1 hour