Holy Communion, every Third Sunday of the month

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Easthorpe
Easthorpe Road Easthorpe Colchester, CO5 9HD, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join us as we share the bread and wine, on the third Sunday of every month. You will have a warm welcome.

Monthly Coffee & Chat

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church Hall, Easthorpe
St Mary's Church Hall, Easthorpe, Held in the church hall each month (or outside if the weather is fine) more details on the weekly church news sheet or as advertised on our Facebook page., United Kingdom

Join us for tea, coffee, homemade cake and a chat - catch up with friends old and new in the church hall (or outside if fine) on the third Thursday of the month, 10-12. All welcome 🤗🐾🌸☕️🍰🎉

Check the date on our weekly news sheet or contact [email protected]

Evensong, every First Sunday of the month

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Easthorpe
St Mary the Virgin, Easthorpe, Easthorpe Road Easthorpe Colchester, CO5 9HD, United Kingdom

You are invited to join us as for our monthly service of Evensong, on the first Sunday of every month. You will have a warm welcome.