‘Good News’

We are delighted to announce that Revd Gary Fleming has been appointed as Vicar to the Benefice of Clavering with Langley, Arkesden, Wicken Bonhunt, Manuden and Berden.

Gary brings with him great enthusiasm, energy and insight, as well as significant pre-ordination experience of strategic leadership and team management in the Fire Service.

He has served his curacy, alongside his Training Incumbent the Revd Robert Stone, in the Rodings with Canfield and The Easters with distinction.

Please pray for Gary and his wife Jayne as they make this move; and pray also for the parishes they are leaving and the benefice to which they are called.

We anticipate that Gary will have his final service in July and move home over the summer. He will be licensed here in Clavering on the 15th September.