Facilities and features


In the parish hall and they include a dedicated disabled facility.

In the ladies toilets but open to anyone looking to change a child.

You are welcome to secure bikes to posts and railings within the churchyard whilst visiting us.

All users must enter their details into the system in order to avoid charges. Their is an access point in the church where registrations can be recorded.

Accessible Toilet

The access from the carpark to the church and hall is level.

In the parish hall.

Ramped entrance

In the church building.

Service sheets, hymn books and news sheets are available in large print for those who need them.

Assistance dogs are welcome.

Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

We are open Tue-Sun from 09:00-19:00. All are welcome.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Clacton Choral Society frequently hold concerts in the church building. They are advertised locally.


A monthly BCP communion in addition to Evening Prayer according to the BCP are offer in this church.

Our main choir join us for Sunday's and festivals. There is also a youth choir that meet twice a month.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Alpha course

We run courses established by CAP and support our local debt advice centre. Speak to us if this is a service you might be interested in.

Each Tuesday in the Parish Hall form 0930

Messy Church
Mothers Union
Parents and toddlers

Each Friday from 1000-1200 and open to all.

Help for Visitors

Available at the West Entrance of the church and on request.

Tue- Sun 09':00-19:00.

Other Features

Our hall is well used by the community both for one off events and for regular bookings. If you’d like to hire the hall for your event then please email us.

[email protected]