Facilities and features
2 toilets accessible from the church via a few internal steps or from the Centenary Room via an outside door for wheel chair users
Located in the toilets
Unfortunately the car park is very limited and used by those with restricted mobility.
On street parking is mostly alongside the church in The Platt. Please park carefully respecting our neighbours.
Wheel chair access is via the door on the graveyard side of the church. Please ask for directions. We are here to help you!
We have recently upgraded our audio so the induction loop is in very good condition.
We would welcome an assistance dog with its owner.
Our Building
St Andrews Chapel open every day
Meet Up - Every
Music and Worship
We host concerts several times a year. These are advertised locally and on our website,Instagram or facebook page.
A very versatile, high quality electronic organ
8 am on 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month
Groups, Courses and Activities
One group currently meets meet mid week for Bible study and discussion on Wednesday afternoons. These are friendly welcoming groups where we are eager to explore what the Bible has to say about living out our faith every day. All are welcome.
Meeting Up is our regular coffee and chat drop in. We meet fortnightly on a Tuesday morning for a short reflection at 10.30 followed by coffee and cake 11am. All are welcome drop in for a chat for 10.30 or after 11am. We would love to see you. Currently postponed but watch this space for updates
We have lots of sticky fun at Messy church. Come as a family after school on the last Tuesday in the month. View recent pictures on our website, Instagram and Facebook
Help for Visitors
Available inside the church and Centenary room
St Andrew's chapel is open every day as a quiet reflective space for prayer. There are booklets to read and aids to prayer. Access is through the main church door.
Other Features
Screens in the church and Centenary room
Good quality audio facilities
The Centenary Room which is a well equipped space adjoining the main church building can be hired. Contact the vicar Rev Nigel Hinton for details.