Sunshine Community Cafe
- Occurring
- Every Tuesday at for 4 hours
- Venue
- St Chad's, Chadwell Heath
- Address St Chad's Road, Chadwell Heath Romford, RM6 6JB, United Kingdom
**Our Sunshine Community Café is still open, with a limited menu for the time being while Debbie is recovering. Why not pop in for coffee and cake, or a sandwich or roll and enjoy some good company? You will be warmly welcomed.**
Our not-for-profit Sunshine Community Café is open on Tuesdays, in the Royal Room of our Church Hall, 10am—2pm. All are welcome.
For more information, call the Church Office on 020 8597 8076 or email [email protected]
Sunshine Community Cafe
Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. for 4 hours
Sunshine Community Cafe
Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. for 4 hours