Evening Prayer

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 25 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

EVENING PRAYER from Common Worship Daily Prayer (CWDP) with some traditional catholic additions, is said at 5.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 6.00pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

We encourage you to say MORNING PRAYER and EVENING PRAYER at home if you are unable to come to church.

Times are subject to change due to circumstances. Please check the Weekly Weekday Mass Times etc pdf, also on the Sunday Mass Sheet & Rector's email.


Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 35 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

Low said Mass.
Modern Catholic Western Rite.

Times are subject to change due to circumstances. Please check the Weekly Weekday Mass Times etc pdf, also on the Sunday Mass Sheet & Rector's email.

Evening Prayer

Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 30 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

EVENING PRAYER from Common Worship Daily Prayer (CWDP) with some traditional catholic additions, is said at 5.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 6.00pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Incense is used occasionally at Evening Prayer.

We encourage you to say MORNING PRAYER and EVENING PRAYER at home if you are unable to come to church.

Times are subject to change due to circumstances. Please check the Weekly Weekday Mass Times etc pdf, also on the Sunday Mass Sheet & Rector's email.


Every Saturday at for 35 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

Low said Mass.
Modern Catholic Western Rite.

Times are subject to change due to circumstances. Please check the Weekly Weekday Mass Times etc pdf, also on the Sunday Mass Sheet & Rector's email.

Morning Prayer

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

Common Worship Daily Prayer with some traditional catholic additions.

We encourage you to say MORNING PRAYER and EVENING PRAYER at home if you are unable to come to church.

Currently on Zoom every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Login on 'Weekday Mass & Daily Prayer Times etc pdf', also on Sunday Mass Sheet & Rector's email.imes are subject to change due to circumstances.

Parish Mass - in church, & on Zoom

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
S. Paul's, Deptford
S. Paul's Church Crossfield Street (Off, Deptford High Street) Deptford London, SE8 3DS, United Kingdom

Modern Catholic Western Rite. Sung High Mass (including sung Gospel and Canon).

Fortnightly Choral Mass, usually 1st and 3rd Sundays, (e.g.. Byrd, Tallis, Palestrina), September to mid-July (taking a break from late July & August).

Refreshments after Mass in the crypt. Bring and share lunch.

Please attend the Parish Mass if you would like to make an initial enquiry concerning the arrangement of a Baptism or a Wedding at S. Paul's.