THE OMEGA COURSE - The Saint Paul's Parish Study Group

                                                                               THE S. PAUL'S STUDY GROUP 

                                                                                       THE OMEGA COURSE

                                                                           Thursdays on ZOOM, 8.30 -10pm.

                                                                                             All are welcome.

What is the OMEGA COURSE?

Fr Paul, the Rector of SPD, began 'The Omega Course' during the Covid lockdown as a way to encourage Christian education in the parish. It is named from the last letter in the Koine Greek Alphabet, ('as far away from Alpha as is possible', let the reader understand.)

The Course on ZOOM is also what some might call a 'Home' or 'Fellowship' Group, where we catch up with one another, offer support, prayer and solidarity, as well as doing some participatory theological study together. The Course is lively and enjoyable! Please do login and join the Course. We look forward to your contribution. 

Next Omega Group online : THURSDSAY, 12th DECEMBER 2024, 8.30pm - 10pm

When we will begin to discuss: ‘The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of the Legendary Catholic Social Activist Dorothy Day’ (1897 - 1980), “Servant of God”, co-founder with Peter Maurin of the Catholic Worker Movement. 

Further info in the Rector’s Weekly Email. All welcome


Previous studies on the OMEGA COURSE  (most recent at the bottom of the list)

Fratelli Tutti, the recent social encyclical by Pope Francis.

Silence and Honey Cakes: The wisdom of the 4th & 5th century desert fathers and mothers, by Bishop Rowan Williams,

JESUS: AN HISTORICAL APPROXIMATION, by Fr José A. Pagola, Convivial Press

The Story of Christianity: A History of 2,000 Years of the Christian Faith,” by David Bentley Hart, Published by Quercus, 2009


A History of the Bible, by Revd Professor John Barton. 

Loving and Hating the World: Ambivalence and Discipleship, by Fr James Lawson

Dogmatics in Outline‘‘ by Karl Barth

The Ecclesiastical History of the English Church', by the Venerable Bede, c. 731 CE

The Bampton Lectures 2024: Rowan Williams - Recognizing Strangers: Solidarity and Christian Ethics

All Christians Are Monks: The Monastery, the Parish and the Renewal of the Church,’ by Fr George Guiver CR, Sacristy Books, 2024.


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