S. Paul’s welcomes visitors!
The church is open every day of the week for Holy Mass, Morning and Evening Prayer, except on Monday.
Please see the Weekly Notice Sheet for the times of Masses and of Morning and Evening Prayer.
The church normally remains open for at least half an hour after each Mass, on Saturdays we are usually open after Mass until 12.30pm / 1pm. The church is often open for visitors after the Sunday Parish Mass and post-mass refreshments on Sunday afternoons between c. 1.30pm - 3pm.
We do not have any paid lay staff at S. Paul’s, (so. no verger, administrator, operations manager etc), and we do not have any assistant-clergy, neither stipendiary or non-stipendiary. This reflects the socio-economic realities of Deptford. Therefore, we are not always able to respond to requests immediately as all we do is dependent on volunteer members of the congregation who offer their time amidst the challenges and demands of their work and daily lives.
We usually ask for a donation from organised Groups towards the upkeep of our Grade 1 listed church.
We invite all visitors to make a financial contribution towards the upkeep of this beautiful Grade 1 listed church in order to pay our bills and keep the church in a good state of repair. All contributions are appreciated.
We do not receive any external funding. All monies have to be raised from donations and fees.
Arrangements for visits at other times, including school visits, should be made by contacting the Rector via email: [email protected]