Blue Christmas Service

for 45 mins
Brentwood: St Thomas
St Thomas Road Brentwood, CM14 4DB, United Kingdom

FROM AS EARLY AS SEPTEMBER, shops, media and advertising collude to convince us that Christmas is magical, full of joy and fulfilment. Cares are banished and laughing children reinforce the message that sadness and anxiety have no place in the festivities.

But what if bereavement means that sorrow is the overwhelming emotion felt at Christmas? How do you observe it then?

This gentle but powerful service supports those whose grief may resurface or be felt more keenly over the Christmas season.

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Brentwood: St Thomas

Welcome to St Thomas of Canterbury Church, the Parish Church at the heart of Brentwood. 

We extend a warm invitation to all our acts of worship and social activities.

Get in touch

Fr Mark North SSC

Parish Priest
The Church Centre
St Thomas' Road

CM14 4DB
Parish Office
(01277) 201094
Parish Priest
(01277) 231629

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What's on

Blue Christmas Service

for 45 mins
Brentwood: St Thomas
St Thomas Road Brentwood, CM14 4DB, United Kingdom

FROM AS EARLY AS SEPTEMBER, shops, media and advertising collude to convince us that Christmas is magical, full of joy and fulfilment. Cares are banished and laughing children reinforce the message that sadness and anxiety have no place in the festivities.

But what if bereavement means that sorrow is the overwhelming emotion felt at Christmas? How do you observe it then?

This gentle but powerful service supports those whose grief may resurface or be felt more keenly over the Christmas season.

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Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.