We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19Whoever you are, wherever you are, we want you to know that God loves you. It may not always feel like it, He may feel far away, but you are loved.
We undertook the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch at church this weekend. St Mary’s is set in a picturesque, but isolated rural situation on high ground overlooking the Thames valley. Holly trees surround the churchyard and were a gift from Miss Archer, a local resident. They were planted about 1900 for the purpose of feeding the birds. We also have a small compost area and have left some fallen branches around the edges to encourage wildlifeWe saw six species: sparrow, robin, crow, blackbird, pigeon and blue tits. We counted ten birds, which is below the national average of 27, although this could be due to the weather, the time of day or there may have been more birds in the holly bushes that we couldn’t see!We had a lovely time doing this and it was great, if a bit chilly, spending time in the beautiful churchyard listening to the bird song. It is a shame we didn't see more, especially as we know there are more species from other surveys but that's the way it goes. You can find out how you can help birds in a cold snap from the RSPB website: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/news/three-ways-you-can-help-birds-in-a-cold-snapHopefully, you can join the count next year.