St Matthew's Youth Night

Saturday 24 February 2024, Saturday 09 March 2024, Saturday 23 March 2024, Saturday 13 April 2024, Saturday 27 April 2024, Saturday 11 May 2024, Saturday 25 May 2024, Saturday 08 June 2024, Saturday 22 June 2024, Saturday 13 July 2024, Saturday 27 July 2024, Saturday 10 August 2024, Saturday 24 August 2024, Saturday 14 September 2024, Saturday 28 September 2024, Saturday 12 October 2024, Saturday 26 October 2024, Saturday 09 November 2024, Saturday 23 November 2024, Saturday 14 December 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Free entry
11-17 yrs

Saturdays - twice a month
5.30 - 7pm

For dates: see the calendar
on our website
or email: [email protected]

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Twice a month on Saturday evenings - DATES TBC. Start and finish times vary depending on what activity is happening.

Sunday Morning 8.30am said Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Croydon, St Matthew
Croydon, St Matthew, Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 8.30am we have a said service of Holy Communion.

Sunday Morning 10am Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 10am we have a sung service of Holy Communion.

Monday Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Croydon, St Matthew
Croydon, St Matthew, Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Join us in church for a great way to start the day!

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Renew 121 Well-being Cafe

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Every Monday from 2.00pm-4.00pm our hall becomes a community space for a variety of hobbies and activities. These are run by the community for the community. Anyone is welcome to share a hobby or skill and anyone is welcome to join a workshop or activity. They are all free. Or you can come and relax and chat, or enjoy the peace in our quiet area.

The activities are based around the '5 ways to wellbeing' which promote good mental and emotional health.

To connect, give, be active, keep learning and take notice will hopefully contribute towards a preventative approach to mental ill health.

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Morning Prayer on Zoom

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Join us in church for a great way to start the day!

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Wednesday Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

On Wednesdays at 10.00am there will be a service of Holy Communion in church.

Gallery Group

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

We have coffee and chat, prayer requests for ourselves, family and friends, then read aloud from a Bible book (Old and New Testaments), and Christian books by writers such as John Bunyan, CS Lewis, Jim Packer, John Stott and RT Kendall. We discuss what we have read in a relaxed and free-ranging manner - nobody demands we must 'get back on message'. 

Essentially this is a house group which meets on church premises. 
All welcome.

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St Matthew's Toddler Group

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Every Thursday from 8.30/9am to 10.30am. Apart from August.

For parents, babies and toddlers

Please come and join us with your baby/toddler. There will be toys for the little ones to play with whilst you chat among friends, a short bible story and a song. Refreshments available.

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St Matthew Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Please join us for a cup of coffee and a chat.
2nd & 4th Saturday of the month

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Altogether Now Services

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

An all-age service takes place at St Matthew's on the 2nd Sunday of each month

Messy Church

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Messy Church is a space for people of all ages and stages of their faith journey. Each session includes worship, themed crafts and activities.
Free of charge. Refreshments included.
Children need to be accommpanied by an adult

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Holiday at Home for Seniors

for 2 days, 2 hours
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

We would like to warmly invite you to our Holiday at Home event at St Matthew's on the 19th - 21st August from 2 to 4pm. You are welcome to come to the whole event or just one or two afternoons. On the first day we will be singing, the second day will be crafts and the third day will be games.

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Bag Blessing Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

As we edge towards the end of term and into the summer holidays, thoughts are turning towards the new school year and all that it brings with it. Rev Ruth at St Matthew's is holding a Bag Blessing Service on the 1st September at 10am.

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Hidden Voices

for 2 hours
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

Saturdays 2 – 4 pm with a break for drinks and cake
14th and 28th September, 12th and 26th October 2024
St Matthew’s Church, Chichester Rd, Croydon CR0 5NQ

This 4-week course is about Modern Slavery Right Here, Right Now! It is designed to help churches and communities respond to modern slavery.
What can churches and communities do about modern slavery?
The truth is you are key to solving this puzzle. For starters, you can:
spot the signs of modern slavery and help the police to find victims.
prevent vulnerable people you meet from being trafficked or exploited.
support survivors of modern slavery, helping them overcome their experiences.

Hidden Voices is for churches with a passion for working with their communities and responding to the needs of the vulnerable and marginalised. It describes a simple process to help build community, with the church acting as a catalyst.

Hidden Voices is written in four parts:
Setting the scene for action
Action planning

Each session includes
Biblical reflections
Practical tools
Case studies
Activities to help you work alongside your community and see how you might already be coming across modern slavery without knowing it.

We hope churches that do the Hidden Voices course will feel inspired and ready to start their own project by the end. You might not have all the answers, but you will certainly know where to start and you will receive ongoing support from the Southwark Churches Against Modern Slavery group.

To find out more please contact Penny in the church office.

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An Evening with Bishop Rose

for 3 hours
St Matthew's Parish Church, Croydon
Chichester Road Croydon, CR0 5NQ, United Kingdom

The Right Reverend Bishop Rose Hudson Wilkin, Bishop of Dover and Former Speaker’s Chaplain in the House of Commons.
You are invited to come along and hear about Bishop Rose’s life and ministry. Followed by Q&A.


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