
Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

Communion takes place every Sunday at 9am and is a traditional service of hymns, readings, talk and prayers in contemporary language to accompany communion. Each week we focus on some aspect of the Christian faith and its relevance to the world in which we live.

Sunday Live!

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

Sunday Live! is a relaxed and informal service for people of all ages, with talk and prayers, and worship songs and hymns led by a band. We are more than happy for children to stay with their parents for the whole service - we don't worry about noise! Optional Sunday Clubs are available however, after the first fifteen minutes at most services for children between the ages of 5-12. The service takes place on Sundays at 10.30am and lasts around 45 minutes.

This service is live-streamed on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

Open House Groups

Every Monday and Thursday at for 1 hour
Various locations
Various locations

Open House groups meet weekly during term-time for relaxed and informal discussion on various aspects of Christian living today.

Every Monday at 9.45am and 7.30pm, and Thursday at 8pm at various venues.

Every Monday at 9.45am and 7.30pm, and Thursday at 8pm at various venues.


Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

Explorers is a lively club for primary school children in years 3-6 (age 7-11), who meet on Tuesday evenings in term time from 6.00-7.15pm.

Each week we have a number of different activities, so there is something for everyone. For the first ten minutes of each session we choose between playing with board games such as Connect 4, Tumbling Monkeys or Twister, or doing something more energetic such as soft ball games. Then we join together for a themed talk which often involves audience participation! This is usually followed by some creative activity - arts and craft, cooking, or puzzles. We finish the evening with an organised group game.

Once in a while we do something completely different, such as a treasure hunt, party, or an outing (such as to the Pottery Cafe in Teddington or Feltham Tenpin Bowling).

We sponsor a guide dog puppy and get regular news on his progress.

Sessions cost £1.50 per child.

Term time

Coffee Mornings

Every Thursday at for 3 hours
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

Coffee-morning drop-in sessions take every Thursday from 9am-noon (during term-time). Come along for a chat, meet new people from your area, catch up with friends, find out about other local events or services, or simply enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit or homemade cake and take a break from your busy schedule! All welcome - no age limits (upper or lower!) There is a toy/play area available for young children.

There is no charge - donations for refreshments are optional.

Wednesday Welcome

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

Lunch and an activity for all – every Wednesday from 1pm.

Family Communion

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Richard's Church
Forge Lane Hanworth Feltham, TW13 6UN, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of the month, we have ‘Family Communion’ at 10am with Sunday Clubs for our children and young people taking place after we've shared communion together.