Sunday 29<span style="font-size: 1rem;">th March</span>Fifth Sunday of Lent – Passion SundayDear Friends,Well what a week! In fact, it feels so much longer, its hard already to realise that it was onlyMonday night that the Prime Minister made his bombshell announcement. So, week 1 oflockdown and a very different way of life for a while. In the Church year we are nowentering what is known as Passiontide, when we look towards Holy Week and Jesus’ entryinto Jerusalem, it’s a more sombre time as thoughts turn to all that happened during thatfateful visit. This year the mood of the whole world has taken a more sombre turn, andmany people are fearful and concerned for the future. When we are stuck at home, unableto distract ourselves with the usual round of work, socialising, chat and gossip its hard tostop our thoughts when they turn anxious. And please when I say the next bit, know I amnot in any way trying to minimise the situation, it is serious and we do need to take everyprecaution if not for ourselves for others. But when listening to the news or reading stuff online its hard to get perspective. And when we hear of new cases or how many have died, tobe worried that its knocking at our door. But when you read the stats., here the daily tally ofcases, please remember one thing there are 66 million people in this country, and althoughevery death, every serious case is a tragedy for those concerned, taken as a percentage theyare still very small.So please take every precaution we have been asked to, but then hand the rest of your fearsto God. For the Lord who took that journey to Jerusalem for us, knowing all that it wouldmean, even when his disciples were still in denial, is walking this road with us and he willnever leave us. It is God who will see us through this, who will never tire of listening to ourfears and concerns, but who will also fill our souls with His still, small, voice of calm if wejust allow him to speak and not drown out his voice with our own panic. So please when youfeel fear and anxiety starting to take hold, turn off the TV or put down the paper (or itsonline equivalent) and take a breath, or several, and allow yourself to feel Gods loving armssurrounding you and keeping you safe.Stay well, stay safe and stay Home,God Bless,SiânSunday Service and daily prayerWith this bulletin you will find a service to be used on Sunday, which includes a Homily forPassiontide prepared by Rev Janet Stewart. Thank you to all who have let Liz or me knowhow much you appreciated last week’s bulletin, I hope you find this Sunday’s just as useful.The psalm (or canticle) and the references for the readings for use with the daily prayers arealso included with this mailing. I haven’t printed the readings in full this time, so you willneed a Bible. In case you are not used to looking up specific texts a bit of explanation. Eachbook of the Bible (except the psalms) is divided into Chapters, (the large number), and eachchapter into verses, (the little number). References are given as the name of the book, theChapter and the verses eg. John 8: 1 -11 refers to Johns Gospel chapter 8, verses 1 -11. Ihope that makes sense, please do ask if you are still unsure.The daily prayer sheet is being resent in case you can’t find the one that came out earlierthis week but it is the same. I’ll update this for Holy Week.Prayer ChainPrayer for individuals is an important part of our intercessions each week, and to help withthis a “Prayer Chain” has been formed. The prayer chain is comprised of a small number ofmembers of the Ministry Team who will pray for individuals and situations confidentiallyeach day.Please email (or phone) prayer requests to me. Its helpful to give some details as to why youwant the person prayed for, but not essential, likewise names are helpful but may be firstnames only, or you may wish to not give a name at all.Please be assured that those in the prayer chain will adhere to all the normal safeguardingand confidentially protocols.Please email requests to or phone 01263 833790 (please leave amessage if you get the answerphone)
The Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Thorpe MarketCOVID-19The Church continues to be alive and active, but our buildings must close In a letter today (24th March 2020) the Archbishops of Canterbury & York, and in line with government advice, have ordered that churches be closed and locked. Our worship of God and our care for each other must continue but cannot be done in this building. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Enquiries for the rector, the Revd Siân Reading, should be directed to the administrator at: The churchwarden, Martin Castle, can be contacted on 07817027589More details and updates can also be found at