Cafe Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Eastfield: Holy Nativity Church
Westway Eastfield Scarborough, YO11 3EQ, United Kingdom

An all age service set up Cafe style with Crafts and colouring on the tables.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Eastfield: Holy Nativity Church
Westway Eastfield Scarborough, YO11 3EQ, United Kingdom

Holy Communion is on the first and third Sundays monthly at 10.30 am followed by refreshments and an opportunity for prayer with our trained prayer ministry team.
Sunday club runs alongside the service and children join us to share in communion. There is an area at the back of church designed for toddlers and babies to play during the service.

Morning Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Eastfield: Holy Nativity Church
Westway Eastfield Scarborough, YO11 3EQ, United Kingdom

Morning worship is on the fourth and fifth Sundays monthly. On the fourth Sunday a community meal is shared together following the service. Sunday club runs alongside the service for children and there is an area to the back of church for babies and toddlers to play.