Holy Trinity Church Churchyard Regulations

We are conscious that this is a sensitive area - and we are most grateful for the care shown by many people tending graves and memorial plaques. But we are required to ensure that the regulations, as laid down by The Diocese of St Albans are adhered to. The rules relating to churchyards are very stringent compared to those applying to local authority and privately run cemeteries. The full regulations are displayed on the board inside the porch of the church and on the back of both noticeboards in the churchyard.  You can also find the same on the notice board in church, and copies of the regulations that you can take away on the window sill at the rear of church.

We would therefore ask you to adhere to these regulations. Whilst we are reluctant to do so, we will remove any items not allowed by the regulations. This will be done at the end of each month and the removed articles will be placed at the side of church for collection. Please do speak with us if you need clarification of what is permitted.

Please email Holy Trinity PCC  [email protected]

Holy Trinity PCC Churchyard Regs 2023, PDF


St-Albans-Churchyard-Regulations-2020-updated-July-2023, PDF
