Service of Remembrance and Hope

for 1 hour
St Edmund, Caistor St Edmund
Norwich Road Caistor St Edmund Norwich, NR14 8QN, United Kingdom

We are personally inviting people who have lost people close to them during the past five years, but everyone is very welcome. As part of the service you will be invited to light a candle to thank God for your loved one.
If you know of someone who might find such a service helpful, please do encourage them to come along.
Tea and cake will be served afterwards.

St Edmund, Caistor St Edmund

Get in touch

Church Administrator

The Vicarage
Mill Road, Stoke Holy Cross

NR14 8PA

Our website

What's on

Service of Remembrance and Hope

for 1 hour
St Edmund, Caistor St Edmund
Norwich Road Caistor St Edmund Norwich, NR14 8QN, United Kingdom

We are personally inviting people who have lost people close to them during the past five years, but everyone is very welcome. As part of the service you will be invited to light a candle to thank God for your loved one.
If you know of someone who might find such a service helpful, please do encourage them to come along.
Tea and cake will be served afterwards.