Ash Wednesday Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour, 10 mins
Dorchester: St Mary the Virgin
Edward Road Dorchester, DT1 2HJ, United Kingdom

During Lent we take extra time to reflect on all that separates us from God, from our neighbour, and from the person God is calling us to be. Join us on Ash Wednesday to start the season off well, with a traditional act of worship including the Imposition of Ashes (the sign of the cross with ash on our foreheads) and Holy Communion.

Dorchester: St Mary the Virgin

Get in touch

Rev'd Jimmy Holden

17a Edward Road


Our website

What's on

Ash Wednesday Sung Eucharist

for 1 hour, 10 mins
Dorchester: St Mary the Virgin
Edward Road Dorchester, DT1 2HJ, United Kingdom

During Lent we take extra time to reflect on all that separates us from God, from our neighbour, and from the person God is calling us to be. Join us on Ash Wednesday to start the season off well, with a traditional act of worship including the Imposition of Ashes (the sign of the cross with ash on our foreheads) and Holy Communion.