About Us
Welcome to Croydon Minster!
We are a living and growing church in the heart of Croydon's Old Town. We are the civic church for Croydon, and often hold community events and services. We would love you to come along to one of our services on a Sunday which are at 8am, 10am and 5:30pm. All are welcome here!
8am- Said Eucharist
A quiet reflective service of Holy Communion, held in the beautiful St Nicholas Chapel (right hand side) in the Minster.
10am- Sung Eucharist
Our main Sunday celebration rooted in the word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist, with a full choir and incense. Do join us for refreshments in the Church Hall afterwards!
5:30pm- Choral Evensong
Our worship is led predominantly by the stunning choir, as the words of Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer are prayed and sung. A beautiful service to reflect and be still before God.
Please come and find a sense of home at Croydon Minster- we would love to have you with us!