Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page

We live stream Morning Prayer on our Facebook Page each weekday morning at 8am

You can download the Daily Prayer App by searching "Daily Prayer Church of England" at your app provider

Please note we will be on Summer break from Monday the 5th of August until Monday the 2nd of September.

Evening Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page

We live stream Evening Prayer on our Facebook Page each weekday day at 5pm

You can download the Daily Prayer App by searching "Daily Prayer Church of England" at your app provider

Please note we will be on Summer break from Monday the 5th of August until Monday the 2nd of September.

Night Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page
Online on our Benefice Facebook Page

We live stream Night Prayer on our Facebook Page each weekday day at 9pm

You can download the Daily Prayer App by searching "Daily Prayer Church of England" at your app provider

Please note we will be on Summer break from Monday the 5th of August until Monday the 2nd of September.

Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Harden: St Saviour
Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

A traditional Common Worship Holy Communion service supported by a small choir with mainly traditional hymns. There is usually a sermon or talk for about 15 minutes and someone leads us in our prayers. Communion at the moment is available both by intincted wafers or the Common Cup

Chatterbox toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Saviour's Church Family Room
St Saviour's Church Family Room, Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

A gathering for toddlers to bring their parents, grandparents or carers! Lots of toys, play, food, songs and fun!

Church Open for Private Prayer

Every First, Third, Fifth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Harden: St Saviour
Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

The Church will be open for Private Prayer.
Come into the church to pray for yourself, your family or friends or anything on your mind.

Harden Lunch Club

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Saviour's Church Family Room
St Saviour's Church Family Room, Behind St Saviour's Church Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

If you are over 50 and from Harden, then you ae welcome to come and enjoy a two course lunch in St Saviour's Family Room. The meal costs £4.50 (2023 prices) and booking is not usually required. The aim is to create a space where people can come to eat and chat together. The food and conversation is usually excellent!

Morning Worship Service in Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Harden: St Saviour
Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

A Service of the Word for a Sunday morning.
Great hymns and songs, a sermon or talk and prayers form the basis of this traditional style service.

Prayer and Cake

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Harden: St Saviour
Harden: St Saviour, Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

A short service with prayer and worship which is followed by coffee or tea with excellent cakes!
Come and pray, eat and enjoy company on a Wednesday afternoon!

United Benefice Service

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Harden: St Saviour
Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

When there is a fifth Sunday in a month we meet together at one of our four churches to worship together.
Sometimes we have a visiting preacher.
Contact us for more details of our fifth Sunday programme of United Benefice Services

Sunday All Age Service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Harden: St Saviour
Long Lane Harden Bingley, BD16 1LJ, United Kingdom

A service of the Word with worship, prayer and praise. This is a service for people of all ages and is great fun. We sing good songs, sometimes have craft activities too and enjoy words, silence, stillness and energy.