Facilities and features
including disabled toilet
close by and in School car park during regular services
and a gentle slope
All service sheets are available in large print
We are working towards becoming dementia friendly
Our Building
On Wednesday afternoons from 2.30pm to 3.30pm
October and November on the last Tuesday of the month 12 noon to 2pm
December to March each Tuesday 12noon to 2pm
Beautiful traditional style building
Music and Worship
Keyboard and musicians play at all age services
Played at the traditional services
Choir practice is on a Monday evening at 7pm
Groups, Courses and Activities
Messy Church on the Second Wednesday of each month at St Matthew's, Wilsden
At St Matthew's Wilsden on the Second Wednesday of each month 3.30pm
At St John's Cullingworth on the Second Sunday of each month at 3.45pm
At Denholme Shared Church on the Third Wednesday of each month at 3.30pm
Tuesday mornings during term time. 9.30 - 11.00 fun with toys, snacks, activities and singing - all pre-school aged children & carers welcome
Help for Visitors
Wednesdays 2.30pm to 3.30pm
Other Features
We are a Fairtrade Church
We collect food and send it to Bingley food bank
Lovely family room suitable for parties, exercise classes etc.