Children and families

Sunday Explorers

Sunday Explorers aims to make the Christian message fun and accessible for children up to 10 years old. We meet from 9:50 in the Old School Room for a breakfast of coffee and toast after which we explore Bible stories and simple prayer through games, action songs, drama, art and craft, stories and food.

Parents are welcome to stay, especially with children aged three years and under, or to settle children in. They may then take the opportunity to join the 10:00 service in church.

We join the congregation for communion or a blessing towards the end of the service, when we share our story and craft with the church family. Download a leaflet here

Explorers Plus

Young people from Year 6 upwards meet in the Parish Room. Some members help set up and serve during the 10:00am service. We enjoy cookies and drinks while exploring the Christian faith through games, Bible stories and discussion. We rejoin the congregation before communion. Download a leaflet here

If you would like to get in touch by email use, or pop in on a Sunday morning. Anne Dorman, Children’s and Families’ Worker, St Peter’s Church

Family Communion Service

Everyone is welcome to our All-Age Service at 10:00. This is generally on the third Sunday of the month but may change if there’s a special services. Forthcoming services: 22 March Mothering Sunday, 12 April Easter Sunday.

These Family Services include an all-age singing group, a mixture of contemporary and traditional music, and an interactive talk with a shortened communion service to engage the children. This is followed by refreshments and a FairTrade Stall in the Parish Room.

The next Family Service is Sunday 22 March Mothering Sunday.

Summer holidays: There are no children’s groups or family services during the school summer holidays. C0louring and quiet toys are available in the children’s area during the 10:00 service.

Messy Church

Messy Church is organised by Wolvercote Baptist Church. It’s an event for the whole family which takes place on the second Sunday of the month at 15:30 in the Baptist Church, Lower Wolvercote. Family-friendly messy art and craft and games based around a Bible story are followed by a short celebration service and a great family tea.


All children’s work leaders are DBS-checked. Anne Dorman is our Parish Safeguarding Officer. Each year St Peter’s PCC reviews our safeguarding policy, most recently in June 2020. See our dedicated Safeguarding page for further information on