Facilities and features



Directly out the front of St Mary's Church in Winkfield has a parking area this is either side of our War Memorial and opposite the White Hart Public House

Accessible car parking
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Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass

The ancient church building has stood on its present site in the heart of Winkfield for at least 700 years. It is famous for its unusual oak pillars along the centre of the aisle, one given to the Church by Elizabeth 1st.

Music and Worship

The bells of St Mary's, Winkfield have been ringing out across the fields and villages for centuries calling people to church for Sunday service. They are also rung in celebration of weddings, anniversaries and special occasions for the local community and for the country as a whole when Royal Jubilees and births occur. They are also rung half muffled for sad occasions, marking the passing of members of the villages and for remembrance days.

There are six bells ranging in weight from the treble (the smallest) at 6cwt to the tenor (the biggest) at 13cwt. The oldest bell is the 3 cast in 1597 during the reign of Elizabeth I.

The local band practise on a Monday evening and would be delighted to welcome anyone who would like to learn the ancient art of English bell ringing.

Concerts / Live Music

St Mary's organ was originally built by Gray and Davison in c1820. A brass plaque says it was 'restored and improved by Foster Waite of Abingdon, through the generosity of friends and parishioners, and was rededicated in 1989.'

The instrument is a modest and rather old-fashioned two-manual instrument with pedalboard but it serves its principal use well and adequately fills the church with sound.

It has about 800 pipes, ranging from tiny high-pitched ones to much deeper eight footers. (The visible pipework does actually work.) The pipes are grouped into 'ranks' or sets of pipes making the same kind of sound but at varying pitches. Our instrument has 17 ranks of pipes, switched on or off by 'stops' on either side of the two keyboards ('manuals').

Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our Crafty Church Services are held in St Mary's Church on the 4th and 5th Sundays

Help for Visitors

We offer guided tours during Heritage Open Days held in early September

Guidebooks / Notes

St Mary's is open during daylight hours for private and personal prayer, or join us for a Sunday service, just turn up

Other Features

We collect food and products which are passed to the Bracknell Food Bank during our Harvest and Christmas Gift Services

Audio-Visual Facilities

Popel's Hall, Church Road, Winkfield, Berkshire, SL4 4SQ near St Mary’s Church

All enquiries contact the Booking Officer on 07522 306988 or email: [email protected]

The hall has recently been refurbished and is available - evenings only - for small business hires and meetings - closed for maintenance during the Easter holidays.