Coulsdon, St John the Evangelist

Get in touch

Rev Jono Simpson

St John's Church, Canon's Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 1HA

Church Office
01737 552461

Our website

What's on

Little Ones toddler group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Coulsdon, St John the Evangelist
Canons Hill Coulsdon, CR5 1HA, United Kingdom

A space for parents, carers, babies and toddlers to catch up and have fun!

Starts Tuesday 19 January

We meet from 10am to 11.30am on Tuesdays during term time with hot drinks, soft play, singing, Bible story and kids snack time.

Ages 0-4. Children must be accompanied at all times.
Suggested donation of £1 per family

Got questions about Little Ones? Email [email protected] and we’d love to help you.
If you can help make Little Ones happen, please email [email protected] to join the team.

Doesn't meet during school holidays.