West Hendred Summer Event 2024

for 3 hours
Garden of Manor Farm House - opposite the Village Hall
Garden of Manor Farm House - opposite the Village Hall, Garden of Manor Farm House, OX12 8RS, United Kingdom

The Summer Event will be at Manor Farm House, kindly offered by Lys and Peter Cook.
It's right at the heart of the village, opposite the village hall.
We'll be using the village hall's facilities, as well as tables, chairs, etc.

We’re doing a big “refresh” for the Summer event, with lots of stalls and things for kids.

We’ve had very productive consultation sessions in the last few weeks. If you’ve not been able to get to one of the sessions, then please do join the conversation, and contact Hugh.

We’re going to be having more things for kids, such as Teddy Tombola, Pre-loved Toys, and also a tuck shop.
We’ll be keeping some favourites, such as the internationally famed Duck Race, Bowls, Name the Lobster, and the Garage Game. Downy Duck has been waddling through the early summer flowers to prepare for a celebrity appearance at the Duck Race.
There’s also the return of the fabled West Hendred Cake Stall !

As well as the lunch, there will be a hot-dog stall (£2) and hopefully an ice cream stall. There will be a bar with beer, Pimms and wine, as well as orange juice, lemonade and other soft drinks.

Entrance is free – yet again! Lunch is £10 for an adult and £5 for a child under 12. Children under 5 continue to be free. We think this is excellent value for two courses and a choice of cheeses, with quality food and a wide choice. Payment can be by card or cash.

Please come along to this very enjoyable occasion to meet and make new acquaintances.

How could you help?
If you would like to run a stall, or your own ideas for stalls, please do say.

Can you offer items for the Cake Stall?

We’ll be putting up the marquee and beer tent from 6pm on Thursday 11th July.

We would be very grateful for donations towards the tombola and items can be dropped off with Hugh and Annabel at Mill Farm House – the thatched house on Mill Lane. Tins, bottles, toiletries, candles, unused gifts etc. or anything else you can think of, all welcome.

We do need help with the food on the day, as well as people volunteering food items. I’ll be emailing on the food items in early June. Do contact me if you wish to be included.

If you would like to help, please do contact Hugh on 833174, or [email protected] .

Hugh Rees

West Hendred: Holy Trinity

The Church of England in the village of West Hendred, Oxfordshire. We welcome all and everyone to our services and events. Contact the Rector for any queries or if you would like to receive our newsletter with information about upcoming events.

For Safeguarding at West Hendred parish - please see safeguarding section below.

Get in touch

Churchwarden Hugh Rees [email protected], Revd. Nikolaj Christensen [email protected]

Revd. Nikolaj Christensen
01235 634940
What's on

West Hendred Summer Event 2024

for 3 hours
Garden of Manor Farm House - opposite the Village Hall
Garden of Manor Farm House - opposite the Village Hall, Garden of Manor Farm House, OX12 8RS, United Kingdom

The Summer Event will be at Manor Farm House, kindly offered by Lys and Peter Cook.
It's right at the heart of the village, opposite the village hall.
We'll be using the village hall's facilities, as well as tables, chairs, etc.

We’re doing a big “refresh” for the Summer event, with lots of stalls and things for kids.

We’ve had very productive consultation sessions in the last few weeks. If you’ve not been able to get to one of the sessions, then please do join the conversation, and contact Hugh.

We’re going to be having more things for kids, such as Teddy Tombola, Pre-loved Toys, and also a tuck shop.
We’ll be keeping some favourites, such as the internationally famed Duck Race, Bowls, Name the Lobster, and the Garage Game. Downy Duck has been waddling through the early summer flowers to prepare for a celebrity appearance at the Duck Race.
There’s also the return of the fabled West Hendred Cake Stall !

As well as the lunch, there will be a hot-dog stall (£2) and hopefully an ice cream stall. There will be a bar with beer, Pimms and wine, as well as orange juice, lemonade and other soft drinks.

Entrance is free – yet again! Lunch is £10 for an adult and £5 for a child under 12. Children under 5 continue to be free. We think this is excellent value for two courses and a choice of cheeses, with quality food and a wide choice. Payment can be by card or cash.

Please come along to this very enjoyable occasion to meet and make new acquaintances.

How could you help?
If you would like to run a stall, or your own ideas for stalls, please do say.

Can you offer items for the Cake Stall?

We’ll be putting up the marquee and beer tent from 6pm on Thursday 11th July.

We would be very grateful for donations towards the tombola and items can be dropped off with Hugh and Annabel at Mill Farm House – the thatched house on Mill Lane. Tins, bottles, toiletries, candles, unused gifts etc. or anything else you can think of, all welcome.

We do need help with the food on the day, as well as people volunteering food items. I’ll be emailing on the food items in early June. Do contact me if you wish to be included.

If you would like to help, please do contact Hugh on 833174, or [email protected] .

Hugh Rees


Safeguarding at West Hendred parish

The parish's Safeguarding policy was re-affirmed at the PCC's annual meeting on 20th May 2024.

1. We are committed to:

• The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children and all adults

• The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable

• The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ as to the dangers of abuse.

2. We will carefully select and train all those with any responsibility within the Church, in line with safer recruitment principles, including the use of Criminal Records disclosures.

3. We will respond without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed, co-operating with the police and local authority in any investigation and we will have a clear reporting procedure in place.

4. We will seek to work with anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with him or her an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care.

5. We will seek to challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.

6. We will seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.

7. In all these principles we will follow statute, guidance and recognised good practice.

8. We will advise the Diocese which Registered Body we use to process applications for Criminal Records Bureau Disclosures.

9. We will advise the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser if we receive a Disclosure which is ‘blemished’ or ‘positive’.

10. We will review this policy annually, check that our policies are up to date, and supply a copy of the updated policy statement to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.

Our Safeguarding Officer is: Angela Findley, [email protected]

A hard copy of the Safeguarding Policy is on display in the church.