Facilities and features


Parking available at village hall

Autism and Asperger syndromes aware

At village hall close by

Wheelchair accessible

A few large print hymn books

Assistance dogs welcome

Dementia friendly

Ramped entrance, wheelchairs, scooters, pushchairs, walkers welcome to park in the church aisle.

Our Building

Opening times: 9.30am - 4.30pm. Sometimes the door is stiff so push hard, it probably isn't locked.

Stained Glass

Grade II* listing. Of particular note are the chiming bells, which includes the oldest bell in the country bearing the founder's name, Paul the potter (bell circa 1283). The second bell is by Ellis Knight of Reading dated 1629.

Music and Worship

Chiming bells, chimed before each service.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Leaflets about the church and being a " Small Pilgrim Place." This is a national network of small "breathing spaces" where all are welcome from any faith, denomination or spiritual path. These "breathing spaces" are characterised by four key elements of Space, Silence, Solitude and Simplicity, encouraging stillness, prayer and reflection

The church is open daily. Opening times between 9.30am and 4.30pm, often opening earlier and closing later. We encourage people to come in to reflect, pray or just "be".

Dogs welcome.

Other Features