Facilities and features


Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Our Building

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music
Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study

‘Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?’ Job 12:12

St Andrew’s Contact Group ensures that people living on their own and those who are becoming more elderly can continue to be included in the life of the wider community.

OUR VOLUNTEERS - In September 1990, a group of volunteers began undertaking neighbourly activities in a spirit of friendship and care. This work continues today, and no one need feel alone, or left out, or isolated from the life of the wider community. Our volunteers continue to share Christ’s love in practical ways by being a friend, help with shopping, offering lifts for medical appointments, organising outings and Pop-In Teas.

Join us in the Church Hall, FROM 2PM TO 4PM ON THE 2ND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, preceded by Holy Communion at 1.30pm.
Tea, cakes and sandwiches accompanied by fun quizzes and often some entertainment are on offer for a modest donation.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Exercise club

'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’ Proverbs 22:6

The hall is buzzing with conversation. Around a table adults and children burst into laughter as they wrestle with metallic tubing and googly eyes and their teenage helpers despair of ever creating the promised artefact.
A toddler slaps green paint on a huge sheet of card under the watchful eye of a Granny (not sure if they’re related or not – it doesn’t really matter). A five-year-old watches wide-eyed as an enthusiastic leader shows her how to bang in a nail. All the while there’s a delicious smell wafting out of the kitchen. Don’t miss it!
EVERY 3RD TUESDAY FROM 3.30PM TO 5.30PM in the Church Hall.

Messy Church at St Andrew’s is a Christian-based learning and worship environment – great for primary aged children their parents and carers. Come along straight after school for:
- An open, friendly, caring environment for all parents, carers and children.
- Christian input and fun learning, to help relate Christianity to our daily lives.
- Themed activity stations with fun craft activities that do not cost you money.

We look forward to welcoming you 🙂

‘All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee…’ Mary Sumner Prayer

St Andrew’s Mothers’ Union – providing Christian care and support for families. Our fellowship is around 35 members.
We meet on the 3RD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 8PM for Corporate Communion and an evening meeting for a programme of talks and social events.

We are committed to sharing the love of Christ to those in need and are currently involved in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection. Email Contact Karen Bowey (phone 020 8660 3086) to find out more.

If you are at home with a baby, do come along to Tots & Toys for coffee, cake and a chat with other parents and carers. Tots & Toys meets in a cosy carpeted room with a mat and soft toys for babies to enjoy.

We meet EVERY TUESDAY FROM 11AM - NOON in the Church Hall Committee Room.
Just come along to make new friends - have lots of lots of fun - it’s friendly and relaxed. All are welcome

Email Sue and Jenny at standrewstots@gmail.com if you'd like to know more.

Other Features


St Andrew’s Church Hall is well used by the wider community for special events; either on a regular basis or for one-off hire. Currently many clubs and organisations meet on a regular basis here including Guides, Brownies, Zumba, Scottish Country Dancing, Fitness and Little Kickers.

Our Church Hall is hired regularly for parties and other special celebrations. Even our own St Andrew’s Players use the Church Hall and Stage for our annual Pantomime performance!

Amenities in the Church Hall include: full disabled access and toilet facilities; a servery, a small kitchen with microwave, two ovens and refrigerator, stage, large fold out tables (seating 8), smaller square tables (seating 3 or 4), chairs, cutlery and dishes.
- The main hall can accommodate 70 seated or 100 standing
- There is a separate meeting room which can accommodate 20

- A £75 deposit is required for all bookings
- Main Hall with Servery = £15.00 per hour, with a minimum hire of 1.5 hours (weekdays) and £25.00 per hour, with a minimum hire of 3 hours (weekends)
- Main Hall with Servery and Kitchen = £20.50 per hour, with a minimum hire of 1.5 hours (weekdays) and £35.00 per hour, with a minimum hire of 3 hours (weekends)
- Main Hall, Servery and Meeting room = £20.50 per hour, with a minimum hire of 1.5 hours (weekdays) and £35.00 per hour, with a minimum hire of 3 hours (weekends)
- Main Hall, Servery, Kitchen and Meeting room = £30.50 per hour, with minimum hire of 1.5 hours (weekdays) and £45.00 per hour, with a minimum hire of 3 hours (weekends)

1) Go to our website (https://www.standrews.coulsdon.net/hall-hire) and have a look at the pictures.
2) Have a look at our terms and conditions (http://www.standrews.coulsdon.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Hall-Hire_Terms-and-conditions_April-13.pdf) - you'll also find this link on our website page.
3) If you would like to go ahead and hire the Church Hall, please send an email to hall.lettings@standrews.coulsdon.net.
4) In your booking email tell us your:
- Preferred date & time
- Full name
- Address and home phone number
- Best contact phone number if different from above