About Us

We are a lively church with members spanning a wide age range. Our worship has a contemporary feel and we are very family friendly. 10am Holy Communion each Wednesday is Common Worship with one hymn/song and lasts 45 minutes. 10am on Sundays is contemporary with a worship band and lasts around 45 minutes with refreshments served afterwards.

Our 2020 Vision is to be a growing people of all ages that:

1. Are rooted in prayer and growing in our faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Are growing as confident disciples, and are willing and able to make disciples of others.

3. Are committed to nurturing and investing in children and young people.

4. Are growing in our understanding of and open to being empowered by the Holy Spirit to build up the church of God.

5. Reach out into our community to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ both inside and beyond the church walls, and across Woodley in partnership with others.

6. Are listening, generous, and committed to quality in all that we do.

We started to meet for worship in a local school in 1969 and our church building was initially completed in 1974. Since then it has been extended twice to increase the size of the worship area and to provide other facilities  such as a lounge, larger kitchen, office and cloakroom areas.