Not satisfied with just overseeing South Moreton Church's finances, intrepid Church Treasurer, Ash Johnson has challenged himself to walk from Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, checking in at churches on the way, to our very own South Moreton Church! This is as part of the annual sponsored Ride & Stride event organised by the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust and the £1000 he hopes to raise will be split between the Trust and South Moreton <a></a>Church for its loo and kitchenette fund. The Trust is a major source of funding for projects like this, as we try to make our church more usable by our community as a whole. Please sponsor Ash for each church he visits over the 37km/23miles he will cover during the day via <a href=""></a>. We also are also keen to find some volunteers to welcome Ride & Striders like Ash to our church during the day, offer refreshments and sign sponsor forms. Good luck Ash, and perhaps see you in The Crown, South Moreton, for a well-earned pint afterwards.
Next Sunday is Mothering Sunday and everyone is invited to our Thanksgiving for Mothers which will be part of the Communion service at South Moreton Church starting at 10.30 am. This will be led by the children and will culminate in posies being given out to all the mums in church. Our old friend Revd John Clarke will be in charge, assisted by his puppet Ginger and there will be Simnel Cake (traditional to Mothering Sunday) afterwards with our coffee and squash. Our organist <a></a>is bringing his guitar so we can all enjoy singing along at the end. Hopefully you have seen our posters around the village and the Pre-School and PTA have been helping us get the word out too. So we hope you'll join us for this lovely family and community celebration of Mum's very special day!
A PDF booklet of this information can be downloaded here
A fantastic Inaugural Meeting of the South Moreton Flower Club was led by Maria Aldridge focussing on Advent/Christmas wreath making. Didn't everyone do well, despite the bottles of mulled wine that seemed to be consumed in the process (mid-morning - well it was cold)!! Thanks to Maria, to Tracy and Dave for the use of the barn, James for getting the chimera going, and all those who did the arranging, buying, collecting foliage and who allowed their gardens to be raided! A <a></a>great community effort and lots of fun too. Look out for news of the next meeting!!