Benefice Christingle Service

for 1 hour
Sandford St Martin: St Martin
Ledwell Road Sandford St Martin Chipping Norton Oxfordshire, OX7 7AH, United Kingdom

Benefice Christingle Service
We are supporting the Sunshine Centre in Banbury and the Children’s Society If you would like to bring a gift (e.g. new toy or game (unwrapped) for children under 10, bubble bath or some Christmas food – chocolate coins, Christmas cake slices, chocolate Santa, mince pies – to ease the cost of living) to place under the Christmas tree, it will be given to children at the Sunshine Centre in time for Christmas. The service collection will be split between the Sunshine Centre and Children’s Society. Further info from Wendy on 07512 816701 / [email protected].

Sandford St Martin: St Martin

Get in touch

Revd Jane Wright, Rector

What's on

Benefice Christingle Service

for 1 hour
Sandford St Martin: St Martin
Ledwell Road Sandford St Martin Chipping Norton Oxfordshire, OX7 7AH, United Kingdom

Benefice Christingle Service
We are supporting the Sunshine Centre in Banbury and the Children’s Society If you would like to bring a gift (e.g. new toy or game (unwrapped) for children under 10, bubble bath or some Christmas food – chocolate coins, Christmas cake slices, chocolate Santa, mince pies – to ease the cost of living) to place under the Christmas tree, it will be given to children at the Sunshine Centre in time for Christmas. The service collection will be split between the Sunshine Centre and Children’s Society. Further info from Wendy on 07512 816701 / [email protected].