Stained Glass


The central panel has Christ holding the Chalice. In the panels to the left and right, angels are holding scrolls with the words: “Drink ye all of it: For this is my blood of the New Testament” (left) and “Which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (right).

Above the central and dominant figure of Christ are two angels holding a crown (Christ the King), and on either side, the letters alpha and omega. Below Christ are the letters IHS (from the Greek letters of Jesus, or later interpretation, from the first letters of the Latin, Iesus Hominum Salvator).

Above and below the angels in the side panels are the Four Evangelists: on the left, St Matthew (man), and St Mark (lion); on the right, St Luke (bull), and St John (eagle).

The glass was designed by O’Connor & Sons, and made by William Holland of Warwick in 1862. Michael O’Connor and his son Arthur were known for their heraldic work, which may explain the style of the figures.


In the top lights of the south aisle windows are some remarkable survivals of 14th century glass: the Head of Christ, and Christ in Majesty.  In 1856 the chancel was rebuilt by GE Street, at the expense of Edwin Guest of Sandford Park. The 14th century stone window was preserved and inserted in the new building.


On the north and south sides of the chancel are four lancet windows, two each side, of Victorian grisaille glass.


In the north aisle is a modern lancet window (1973) designed by John Piper and interpreted in glass by Patrick Reyntiens .  It shows St Martin dividing his cloak to share with a poor beggar.  It refers to the time when whilst in the army, he was riding near the gates at Amiens when he came across a beggar clad in rags, shivering in the bitter cold of winter. In compassion Martin took off his cloak and, with his military sword, cut it in two, giving half to the beggar and draping the other half on his own shoulders.

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