Young People

Sunday club
This runs during the 10.30am Sung Eucharist service on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the Parish room adjacent to the church and all young people are welcome.  Please ask a sidesperson before the service if your children would like to join in.
There is a creche available during the 10.30 Family Communion service on the 4th Sunday of the month.

Junior Choir
All Saints' has a very active junior choir open to all children keen to be involved in the music of the church, and also a great way to form friendships.
New junior choristers begin with a probationary period during which they take part in Thursday rehearsals and Sunday services. Here they learn the basics of vocal techniques and choral singing.
After a few weeks, new choristers are formally admitted to the Choir. They are involved with the Royal School of Church Music 'Voice For Life' training scheme. Assessed at various stages, each singer is given music training, embracing a wide variety of different musical skills. Choristers have the opportunity to attend RSCM singing courses.
Junior choristers are taught how to read music, how to get the best out of their voices, and how to integrate with the group by becoming part of a team. Children take an interest in their own development, and eagerly anticipate the completion of each attainment level at which point there are four stages of medallion ribbon, light blue, dark blue, red and yellow. 
All junior choristers receive a payment at the end of each quarter based on the level of attendance at services and rehearsals. Occasionally, they may be invited to sing at weddings for which they are also paid. 
See Choir pages for more details and contact information

The Charlotte Starmer Smith Award
This Award is intended to be made annually in the month of December at the discretion of the Incumbent (or the Lay Chairman of the Parochial Church Council) after consultation with both Churchwardens and is to be given to the young person who in their view has contributed most to the life of the Church during the preceding twelve months, taking into account, inter alia, the following activities:

Church services Choir service, including any other chorister service outside the Parish Youth activities and sport Leadership and initiative Sunday School, including helpers Charity work Writing articles, including contributions to the Parish Magazine Attendance on Diocesan or Royal School of Church Music courses

The recipient of the Award must not have attained his or her nineteenth birthday by 1st July in the relevant year.

Rotherfield Peppard Educational Trust

Rotherfield Peppard Educational Trust was set up as a charity in 1982 to help young people up to age 25 who live in the parish of Rotherfield Peppard

The trustees consider applications for funding towards educational activities such as school trips, school projects, university field courses, gap year projects, specialist music courses and so on. The trustees have limited funds available to them but they welcome all applications from eligible young people.

Applications are treated in confidence and are not means-tested.

For further information and an application form, please contact the Clerk to the Trust, Mrs Sylvia Overbury on 01491 - 628245.

Peppard CofE Primary School 
There is close association between the church and school, with the school using the church for various special services during term time.  For more information about the school