Parish giving

It may surprise you to know that all our church's ministry is entirely funded by local giving. All that we do here is a remarkable testament to the generosity of this community. Many of you already give regularly, weekly or whenever you can - and we are genuinely grateful for every gift - thank you.

We have been exploring new ways for both regulars and visitors to donate to the work of the church more easily.

Parish Giving Scheme - if you would like to sign-up to the parish giving scheme, please email the parish office for details ([email protected])

BACS transfer - If you're a fan of online banking why not give direct by BACS to St Mark and All Saints. Please contact the parish office if you would like the bank details ([email protected])

Give a little - Donate with 'Give a little' with the QR code attached. Simply scan it with your smart phone camera and follow the on screen instructions to give £5, £10 or any amount of your choice.

Easyfundraising - Please consider supporting St Mark and All Saints Reading when you shop on-line. Simple register at '' and set up an account for free supporting us. Each time you shop on line we get a small thank you by way of a donation into our church bank account.

You can search for our charity: St Mark and All Saints Reading. Then just simply click on the website of the shop you want to go to - ie. John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco etc - then just shop as normal.

Thank you.

easyfundraising_nCAt3Bt, PDF


QR_code, PNG
