Sunday Worship

We offer a variety of services ranging from BCP (Book of Common Prayer) to All Age.

Outdoor Animal Service in InkpenSt Lawrence Church, West Woodhay2nd Sunday of the month: 11:15am

Holy Communion.

4th Sunday of the month: 11:15am

A lay-led service.

St Mary's Church, Kintbury1st and 3rd Sunday of the month: 8:00am

Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer. Attendance is around 8-15.

Every Sunday of the month: 9:45am

All Age on the 1st Sunday of the month, Holy Communion on the 2nd, and 4th Sundays. Attendance is around 30-40.

St Michael's & All Angels Church, Inkpen1st and 3rd Sunday of the month: 9:45am

A Communion Service. When there is a baptism, the service becomes a Family Service.

2nd Sunday of the month: 8:30am

1662 Prayer Book Communion Services.


Occasional services also take place, such as Compline and Evensong, which aim to attract those who might regard themselves as spiritual rather than religious (these would usually replace one of the other services).

St Swithun's Church, Combe3rd Sunday of the month: 11:15am

A Holy Communion Service taken from the 1662 Prayer Book with lessons read from the King James Bible. Music is a central feature of the services and we are fortunate to have an excellent organist. The average congregation is currently 10-15 with some coming from outside the community.