Related Churches
St Laurence, West Woodhay
St Laurence, West Woodhay
A beautiful, well-maintained Church which is kept open. It was built in 1883; but two West Woodhay churches preceded it. Fortunately for us, the evidence for the two vanished churches is precise – and available.
The current church was built by William Henry Cole, who had bought the West Woodhay Estate in 1880. The architect was Sir Arthur Bloomfield, a prolific Victorian architect, who provided a simple flint and Bath stone church in the then favoured Early English style and of much the same size as the two earlier churches.
Striking features of the sanctuary are three high-relief carvings by the Belgian, Goyer. The organ is by the younger Henry Willis. It was installed at much the same time as the vestry screen – which is a memorial and thanksgiving for the relief of Ladysmith and of the ending of the Boer War.
ServicesTwo Common Worship Communion Services with a regular congregation of 10 which can swell to up to 100 for Festival services.An occasional lay led service of Compline.Accessibility
Roadside parking only. There are no toilets at the church and no hearing loop is installed.
A ramp is available to aid with wheelchair access.
St Mary, Hamstead Marshall
St Mary's Church, Hamstead Marshall
St Mary’s Church is located outside the centre of the village. A 12th Century foundation, it is structurally in good repair.
There are two chimed bells, dated 1592 and 1756, and a pipe organ in the gallery. A colourful and interesting Millennium window contains many local symbols.
Services in Hamstead Marshall are in abeyance.
Additional Info
There is a quarterly newsletter published for Hamstead Marsall.
There is limited parking outside the church. There are no toilets and no hearing loop is installed.
St Mary Kintbury with Avington & Hamstead Marshall
St Mary's Kintbury with Avington
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who has recently moved into our friendly village. If you are a regular churchgoer or an occasional visitor please come along, and join us at our beautiful church, situated in the centre of the village.
We hold regular weekly services, two 8am Book of Common Prayer Communion Services on the first and third Sunday of the month. These use formal language, last approximately 30 mins, and include a short reflection. There are two Sung Common Worship Holy Communions services at 9.45 am on the second and third Sundays of the month. They last approximately 1hr and 15mins with a children's corner with activities available. A more informal service happens on the first Sunday of every month which lasts approximately 45mins. There are also the occasional Mattins or Evening prayer services plus special services such as 'Pimms and Hymns' advertised throughout the year.
You can always be sure of a warm welcome.
St Swithun, Combe
St Swithun, Combe
The 12th century Church of St Swithun’s is situated on the side of a down, above the hamlet of Combe, in one of the most exceptional valleys in Southern England.
It is an archetypal English country church surrounded by its own well-tended churchyard. Noted locally for the beauty of its setting and the historical interest of its surroundings, it is respected for its simplicity and the peace of its atmosphere.
ServicesOne Communion service is held on the third Sunday of the month from the 1662 Prayer Book.Music is a central feature of the services and we are fortunate to have an excellent organist.The average congregation is 12 - 15 with a certain percentage coming from outside the community. The Christmas Carol and Easter services, which have built a reputation for being traditional services attract a congregation of approximately 50 people.Accessibility
Roadside parking only. There are no toilets at the church and no hearing loop is installed.
Wheelchair access is difficult. A car can be driven up a bridleway to the church entrance but there are deep steps down into the building.
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