Welcome to St Lawrence's Hungerford.
Please see our website for up to date information:- stlawrenceshungerford.org.uk
We hope you will join us.
Our aims are
1. To worship God = Being with Jesus
We encourage people to come to weekly worship, to pray each day and to read our bibles
2. Children and Youth
We see our children and youth as today's church and tomorrow's leaders and so we invest in them through our Toddlers Group, Powerpack and Youth Group because we want them to reach their full potential.
3. Discipleship = Becoming more like Jesus
We love to invite our guests to join the family of God in Hungerford, to debate the gospel at Alpha and to become more like Jesus by joining a home group.
4. Mission = Doing what Jesus did
We want to love our neighbours as ourselves, so we eat and drink together and we serve the people of Hungerford in word and deed. eg through our Foodbank, Tree planting and partnership with the Canal and River Trust.