St Peter's Parish Church

A warm welcome to St Peter's Church. We are happy to know that you are looking for information about us.

St Peter's Church is a grade II* listed building located in Church Lane in the heart of Chalfont St Peter. It is an 18th century church modernised in the 19th century, again in the 1960s and most recently for the millennium.

Our current weekly service pattern is:

1st Sunday at 10am Family Service

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays:
9.30 am Font service in the Parish Church Hall for Families with young children, and 
11am Sung Eucharist with choir

For information on special services, services in our other churches, our diary, baptisms, weddings, funerals etc. and to access our weekly newsletter, visit our website (updated weekly) on:

We look forward to meeting you!

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For details of our safeguarding policy, see our website.

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