Mother and Toddler Group St. Anne's (school term time only)

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Anne's Church
St Anne's Church, London Road, High Wycombe (opposite the Retail Park), HP11 1ET

Parents, grandparents, carers and under school age children welcome to a friendly group run by experienced leaders (during school term times only) at St Anne's Church, London Road HP11 1ET. Call 07450 737438 for details of how to connect.

On Wednesdays during school term time


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Exercise class and healthy lunch for the older members of the community who enjoy a dancercise routine. Led by Vladia.

We meet through all school holidays. We take a break in August.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion with Little Steps for children weeks 1,3 and 4.
We worship together in our All Age worship service on weeks 2 and 5.

Evening Informal Worship

Monthly. Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Peter's church
St. Peter's church, 245 Micklefield Road, HP137HU, United Kingdom

Meeting at St. Peter's for sung worship, Bible meditation, and prayer. On the third Sunday of the month, join us for a special meal where we celebrate Jesus presence with us over a simple supper.

Paused until January 2024

Renew at St. Peter's

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Join us in a safe space, where it's OK to be not OK. All welcome for coffee, a quiet space, bring hobbies, share in a puzzle, chat if you want. We end with a five minute quiet reflection.

Only closed on Bank Holiday Mondays

Craft group

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Join us for Monday evening crafting. Bring your own crafts and share what you know!
Regular Speakers on the First Saturday of the month, for additional input. A whole day to get on with your craft project alongside friendly crafters from the area.

Saturdays - first Saturday of the month

Family Catch-up Cafe

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

When toddlers and mums move on from meeting weekly at St. Anne's there is now an opportunity to regather with their families. The St. Anne's Family Catch-up Cafe welcomes any family that would like to make new connections, and enjoy crafts, games, activities and refreshments.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Anne's Church
St Anne's Church, London Road High Wycombe, HP11 1ET, United Kingdom

Said service of Holy Communion.

Maundy Thursday Evening Service

for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

A service of Holy communion to remember Jesus last supper with his disciples. Join us for this atmospheric service, which ends in the lament of Psalm 22 and the clearing of the sanctuary.

Good Friday at St. Peter's

for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Children and Adults welcomed to St. Peter's Good Friday morning crafts, songs and story. Time to enjoy hot cross buns together as we make the story of Easter.

The Last Hour

for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Come and wait, meditations on the last hour of Christ's life at St. Anne's.

First Communion of Easter

for 1 hour
St Anne's & St Peter's, Wycombe Marsh & Micklefield HP11 1ET
St Anne's, London Road HP11 1ET St Peter's Micklefield Road HP13 7HU High Wycombe, HP11 1ET (St Anne's) & HP13 7HU (St Peter's), United Kingdom

Join us for the early, nearly sunrise, service. We light the Easter fire and remember all that has just passed. We share Holy communion followed by breakfast together.