Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter's Hook Norton

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church
High Street Hook Norton Banbury, OX15 5NH, United Kingdom

Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer

Great Rollright: St Andrew

Welcome to St Andrew's Church, Great Rollright. Do enjoy finding out about our life and ministry below and how you can be part of the family.

We take Safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns, for the safety of yourself or for another, please contact the Safeguarding Officer, Jenny Mead, on 07951 092 227 or by emailing office@hooknortonbenefice.org.uk, or alternatively contact Revd Janet Faull (Rector) on 01608 737223 or rector@hooknortonbenefice.org.uk. Our safeguarding policy can be viewed via the link .

Would you like someone from the church to give you a phone call-simply for a chat, or to discuss your needs? Our Rector, Janet Faull on 01608 737223 (rector@hooknortonbenefice.org.uk) would be pleased to hear from you. If there is someone else who might be pleased to know of this please pass on the message.

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10am there is a Holy Communion service, there is a 10am Morning Worship on the 2nd Sunday of each month, and an 8am BCP Holy Communion service on the 4th Sunday.  For more details see the Calendar in "Services and Events".

The church maintains good links with Great Rollright Primary School, with representation on the board of governors and regular assemblies given by the Rector.  

The mission statement of St Andrew's: "Led by the Holy Spirit we seek to know Christ and to make Him known, and to live according to the Word of God. A church at the very heart of this village, we reach out to our community".

Get in touch

Benefice Administrator

What's on

Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter's Hook Norton

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church
High Street Hook Norton Banbury, OX15 5NH, United Kingdom

Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer


We take Safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns, for the safety of yourself or for another, please contact the Safeguarding Officer, Jenny Mead, on 07951 092 227 or by emailing office@hooknortonbenefice.org.uk, or alternatively contact Revd Janet Faull (Rector) on 01608 737223 or rector@hooknortonbenefice.org.uk. Our safeguarding policy can be viewed via the link .

Safeguarding Policy 2024