8am Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom

At present, this service will not be available online

Holy Communion BCP at 8am

The Church is open daily

Every day at for 8 hours
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom

The Parish Church is normally open every day (nominally between 09:00 and dusk). Note that there may be occasions where the church will be temporarily closed after, for instance, a funeral service.

There is hand sanitiser available at the entrance (North door).

10am Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul, Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom

We aim to livestream our 10am services on our Facebook page (click the 'More about this event' button below), subject to the vagaries of the internet. They will also be available at any time, once the livestream has finished.
Do check the 'What's on' page of our website for further details for specific Sundays

Parish Communion at 10am

6pm Evening Service

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul, Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom

The form of this service varies throughout the month - the normal pattern is as below, but this may change to accommodate festivals and other special occasions.

The first and third Sundays of the month are a spoken service of Evening Prayer.
On the Second Sunday, it is Compline, sung to plainchant by the gentlemen of the choir. This is a short service of around 20 minutes.
The Fourth Sunday is a full Choral Evensong with the choir (including Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis setting, and an Anthem).
Where there is a fifth Sunday in the month, there is no evening service at the Parish church - instead a Service of Evensong takes place in one of the two associated churches in the Parish - Little Hampden and St Mary's Ballenger.

Please see the church Facebook page and website for the latest details of specific services - at present, these services will not be available online.

Holy Communion Service (Spoken)

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom

A spoken Service of Communion

St Peter and St Paul Christmas Services

Sunday 15 December 2024 at for 13 hours, 55 mins
Ballinger: St Mary Mission Hall
Blackthorne Lane Ballinger Great Missenden, HP16 9LN, United Kingdom
Great Missenden: St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane, Great Missenden Great Missenden, HP16 0QR, United Kingdom
Little Hampden Church
Little Hampden Great Missenden, HP16 9PS, United Kingdom

Celebrate Christmas with us this year... All are welcome!
Some service are streamed online.

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Over the Christmas period