
For the last 32 years (except for a period during the first lockdown in 2020) every evening at 6pm, Polly Preedy packs meals, sandwiches, fruit, and cake into a wheeled shopping trolley at her home in Banbury. As she does not drive, she takes the bus down to St Mary’s Church in the town centre where she is met by 15-30 individuals - the homeless and needy, who otherwise may not eat at all. Come rain or shine, she makes sure these less fortunate people get something decent to eat.

Polly sees herself as a halfway house and slowly tries to encourage people to return to a more conventional life. However, she is careful not to judge, meeting people “where they are” at that particular point in their lives. She acts as a stepping-stone in their time of need – not only does she feed them, but she also listens to their problems and helps wherever she can, whether it is providing clothing, bedding or a chair to someone lucky enough to have been given a roof over their head.   

Duns Tew PCC have been supporting Polly in her mission for many years.  To find out more please see the attached.

Polly, PDF
