St. John’s Free Lunches
- Occurring
- Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
- Venue
- St John's Church Hall
- Address St John's Church Hall, Clareville Road Caterham, CR3 6LA, United Kingdom
We will be providing lunches in our church hall, every week over the summer holidays.
This is open to all - families, singles, couples and people of all ages. It is hoped the project will create a social space for people to meet together and eat, and will reduce some of the extra pressure put on families usually on free school meals over the holidays. Please note the meals are FREE TO ALL - and you do not have to be on free school meals or meet any other requirement to receive them.
We are calling on people of all ages - not just families - to help by coming along and by spreading the word.
The meal for this week is jacket potato with a choice of beef chilli/salad/beans/cheese, and unlimited free juice or hot drinks.
There are craft activities for children and a toy corner for toddlers.
We thank Waitrose and Morrisons, our local stores, who have generously supported this venture.