Baptisms take place on the 2nd Sunday of most months during the 10am service and on the 4th Sunday of most months at 11.45am. We do not have baptisms during the penitential seasons of Lent (between Ash Wednesday and Easter Day) and Advent (the four weeks leading up to Christmas). Please contact us in plenty of time - we ask for one months' notice. We also limit the number of baptisms at any one service because of space so it is advisable to book as early as you can.
You can make contact using this contact form.
In order to get married at St John's you must either:
1. Reside within the parish boundary
2. Be on the Electoral Roll of St John's
3. Be able to demonstrate a connection with St John's according to the recent Marriage Act (For example, you may have been baptised at St John's, or have lived in the parish at some point in the past). For full details see the Church of England guidance.
We do not have weddings during the penitential seasons of Lent and Advent.
To arrange a wedding or to make enquiries please use this contact form.
You need to have your banns called at St John's if you are getting married at another church but live within the parish boundary of St John's Caterham. Please contact our Vicar, Jaimee.