Bunting to welcome Revd Jaimee Summers


You may have missed Milica’s call to make bunting to welcome our new Vicar in September. The aim is to complete this so we can decorate the church for Jaimee’s licencing on the 25th Sept.

In the photo you can find some examples of how we might individually be able to contribute.

Milica will provide the white triangle (Made from old sheets) but needs you to take one or more triangles and decorate it. You could decorate it to represent an organisation you are part of, a role you have at church, or just because it is something you feel able to do.

You could use, paints and crayons; you could sew on buttons or ribbons; you could decorate with flowers or emblems, with stencils or fabric, with biblical stories or something that represents you.

If you don’t already have a blank piece of bunting let me or Milica know and or come to church on Sunday when we can hopefully equip you.

We hope that you will feel able to take part.
Susan G & Milica R