Not much doubt now with the new sign.As you can see the access to the front door is accessible and the railings have been rejuvenated (and protected) with a coat of paint. The interior improvements are coming on at pace.
Prayer can be done with our hands, too.6.30pm Sundays in the vicarage during Lent* (contact Jaimee at if you'd like to take part please). Bring your own craft or learn a new skill.Hot drinks provided.*9 March16 March23 March30 March6 April13 April
This will be a Group Churches event, led by different vicars in our Group of Churches on Wednesdays in Lent in St Lawrence's Church. It is a reflective and Lectio-themed group, meaning that we will be sitting with the Scriptures prayerfully. No prior knowledge necessary.Wednesdays 12th March, 19th March, 26th March, 2nd April and 9th April.7pm: Silent Prayer (optional)8pm: Psalms Through Lent