Join us on Sundays at 11am for Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Cadmore End: St Mary le Moor
Off Marlow Road B482 Cadmore End High Wycombe, HP14 3PJ, United Kingdom

The Benefice and Parish of the South Chilterns

Upcoming Sunday Services in the South Chilterns Team Ministry will all be in the building with some services being streamed at Lane End.

Please join us on Sundays at 11am for either Holy Communion.

Community Matters Donations
Dear All,

This is to keep you up to date as " regular."..even occasional... worshipers on plans for St Mary Le Moor. If you wish to contribute please use the the poster with details of how to make online donations.


Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Cadmore End: St Mary le Moor
Off Marlow Road B482 Cadmore End High Wycombe, HP14 3PJ, United Kingdom

Enjoy the build up to Christmas and New Year
Church Services (all in the Village Hall)
Sun 1st December 11am Holy Communion- Rev Mark Ackford
6pm Advent Carol Service-Rev Mark Ackford
Sun 8th December 11am Holy Communion-Rev Mark Ackford
Sun 15th December 11am Holy Communion-Rev Peter Viney
6pm Village Carol Service-Rev Philip Smith
Sun 22nd December 11am Holy Communion-Rev Philip Smith
Wed 25th December 11am Christmas Day Service and Holy Communion
-Rev Mark Ackford
Sun 29th December 9.15am United Benefice Service, Lane End Church
Two new Bishops appointed in the Oxford Diocese. The Revd Canon Mary Gregory as Bishop of Reading and The Revd Dave Bull as Bishop of Buckingham.

The Cadmore End Social History event on the 16th November was a great success with about 40 people attending. Our thanks to Richard Bates, the speakers and soup makers. Donations from those attending amounted to £173 with more from those not attending have been put in the church Roof Fund.
Regrettably the Ukelele concert on the 6th December has been cancelled as only 15 people booked in.
Future Events
Tues 3rd December Coffee & Chat + Bring & Buy in the HALL 10.30am to Noon. The Cadmore End School choir plan to join us at 11.00am and give us a few songs. Do come along to encourage them and hope they will hire the Hall for their Birthday parties!

Community Matters, Lane End Food Bank and Support Team-
Message from the team sent “Thank you for the truly large amount of donations in your November delivery. goods. This year we were also able to offer each household an Asda Christmas Voucher of £50”. The need and poverty in Lane End is great. Our next delivery is on Thursday19th December. Please leave donations in the porch at The Beacons, Cadmore End on Wednesday 18th or by 10am on the 19th.

Ken Ayres RIP-Sadly Ken passed away on the25th November. Our sympathy and prayers go his wife Betty, Sharon, Brian and family.


Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Cadmore End: St Mary le Moor
Off Marlow Road B482 Cadmore End High Wycombe, HP14 3PJ, United Kingdom

The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – January Services​
Sunday 5th January 11.00a.m.​​Holy Communion​​Rev. Philip Smith
Sunday 12th January 11.00a.m.​​Holy Communion​​Rev. Lucy Austin
Sunday 19th January 11.00 a.m. ​​Holy Communion​​Rev. Peter Viney
Sunday 26th January 11.00 a.m.​​Holy Communion​​Rev. Mark Ackford

Church Events

Tuesday 7th January 10.30am to noon​Coffee & Chat + Bring & Buy in the Village Hall

Cadmore End C of E School provided early Christmas cheer with their choir singing Christmas songs at Rackleys and at the December Coffee Chat morning in the Village Hall. These and their Nativity play “Prickly Hay”, much appreciated.

The Carol Singers turned out for three evenings in all weathers and raised £430 for the Christian Aid Charity. The Christmas Eve house to house singing around Cadmore End has been done every year for 50 + years. We thank them for the joy they bring to each house.

Other activities -

The Nave Roof Project – Progress has been good despite some inclement weather. The extent of timber replacement and masonry repairs has proved to be less than originally considered necessary. Subject to unforeseen events, it is hoped that the church will re-open by the start of March. Until then, as before, expect construction vehicles to be parked by the Lych Gate during working hours 07.30 – 16.30h (weekend working not expected).

Funding for Cadmore End - Lane End Parish Council (‘LEPC’) has recently announced that it welcomes ‘Parish-based organisations seeking funding for projects that are meaningful and would benefit the community’. Cadmore End has submitted Expressions of Interest in respect of both the restoration of the church nave roof and the upgrading of the village hall toilets and kitchen. The funds will come from the anticipated sale by LEPC to Nicholas King Homes Ltd. who on 20 December received planning approval from Buckinghamshire Council for their proposed development of 26 new homes on Chalkyfield, Marlow Road*.

[* Buckinghamshire Council planning portal ref. no. 21/007121/FUL]

Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – following the pre-Christmas delivery from Cadmore End, the Community Matters Team wrote thanking us immensely for our support. Because of the huge amount of beautiful Christmas donations as well as generous gifts of money, they had enough wonderful and useful items from all the surrounding churches to give a very generous Christmas food donation to each of 24 Lane End families/households (including 45 children).

Our next delivery is on Thursday16th January. Please leave donations in the porch at Picket House, Cadmore End on Wednesday 15th or by 10am on the 16th.

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